I have a problem with Automapper. I set up a test windows form application and below is the code. Also look at the comments after each MessageBox:
public class FirstClass
public string FirstProp { get; set; }
public IList<FirstClassChild> Children { get; set; }
public class FirstClassChild
public string FirstChildProp { get; set; }
public class SecondClass
public string FirstProp { get; set; }
public string SecondProp { get; set; }
public IList<SecondClassChild> Children { get; set; }
public class SecondClassChild
public string FirstChildProp { get; set; }
public string SecondChildProp { get; set; }
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap<FirstClass, SecondClass>();
AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap<FirstClassChild, SecondClassChild>();
var f = new FirstClass { FirstProp = "FirstClass" };
f.Children = new List<FirstClassChild> { new FirstClassChild { FirstChildProp = "FirstClass" } };
var s = new SecondClass { FirstProp = "SecondClass", SecondProp = "SecondClass" };
s.Children = new List<SecondClassChild> { new SecondClassChild { FirstChildProp = "SecondClass", SecondChildProp = "SecondClass" } };
AutoMapper.Mapper.Map(f, s);
var fc = new FirstClassChild { FirstChildProp = "FirstClass" };
var sc = new SecondClassChild { FirstChildProp = "SecondClass", SecondChildProp = "SecondClass" };
AutoMapper.Mapper.Map(fc, sc);
MessageBox.Show(sc.FirstChildProp);//FirstClass as expected
MessageBox.Show(sc.SecondChildProp);//SecondClass as expected
MessageBox.Show(s.FirstProp);//FirstClass as expected
MessageBox.Show(s.SecondProp);//SecondClass as expected
MessageBox.Show(s.Children.First().FirstChildProp);//FirstClass as expected
MessageBox.Show(s.Children.First().SecondChildProp);//Empty not expected!!
What can I do to avoid this? Is this behavior expected? Anyway can anyone guide me how make SecondClass childs SecondChildProp to remain "SecondClass" as it is before the mapping occurs.
I asked a similar question here and found another similar one here.
I think @PatrickSteele makes a very good point: how is AutoMapper supposed to map a source list to a dest list of existing objects, when the dest list may not necessarily bear any resemblance to the source list? i.e. "But what if one list has 3 and the other list has 5?"
If you are sure that
have the same number ofChildren
, and if theFirstClass
's Nth Child always corresponds toSecondClass
's Nth child, you could try something like this:or if
is some kind of unique key: