hi, i'm trying to play a little bit with Mat class. I want to do a product element wise between two images, the c++/opencv port of MATLAB immultiply.
This is my code:
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
Mat imgA, imgB;
Mat imgAB;
Mat product;
void printMinMax(Mat m, string s) {
double minVal;
double maxVal;
Point minLoc;
Point maxLoc;
minMaxLoc( m, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc );
cout << "min val in " << s << ": " << minVal << endl;
cout << "max val in " << s << ": " << maxVal << endl;
int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) {
cout << "OpenCV version: " << CV_MAJOR_VERSION << " " << CV_MINOR_VERSION << endl;
imgA = imread("test1.jpg");
cout << "original image size: " << imgA.rows << " " << imgA.cols << endl;
cout << "original type: " << imgA.type() << endl;
cvtColor(imgA, imgA, CV_BGR2GRAY);
printMinMax(imgA, "imgA");
imgB = imread("test2.jpg");
cout << "original image size: " << imgB.rows << " " << imgB.cols << endl;
cout << "original type: " << imgB.type() << endl;
cvtColor(imgB, imgB, CV_BGR2GRAY);
printMinMax(imgB, "imgB");
namedWindow("originals", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
namedWindow("product", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imgAB = Mat( max(imgA.rows,imgB.rows), imgA.cols+imgB.cols, imgA.type());
imgA.copyTo(imgAB(Rect(0, 0, imgA.cols, imgA.rows)));
imgB.copyTo(imgAB(Rect(imgA.cols, 0, imgB.cols, imgB.rows)));
product = imgA.mul(imgB);
printMinMax(product, "product");
while( true )
char c = (char)waitKey(10);
if( c == 27 )
{ break; }
imshow( "originals", imgAB );
imshow( "product", product );
return 0;
here is the result:
OpenCV version: 2 4
original image size: 500 500
original type: 16
min val in imgA: 99
max val in imgA: 255
original image size: 500 500
original type: 16
min val in imgB: 0
max val in imgB: 255
init done
opengl support available
min val in product: 0
max val in product: 255
I think that max value in the product has to be greater than 255, but is truncated to 255 because the type of the two matrixes is 16. I have tried to convert the matrixes to CV_32F but the maxVal in the product is 64009 (a number that i don't understand)
You are right, you should convert your matrices imgA, imgB to say CV32FC1 type. Since the max values in this matrices is 255, the maximum possible value is 65025. However, the maximum at imgA and imgB may not be in the same location, so 64009 is quite possible.
Thanks to Wajih comment i have done some basic test, and some basic debug, and i got i work perfectly. I think this could become a mini tutorial on alpha blending and image multiply, but for now is only a few lines of commented code.
note that the 2 images must be of the same size.. and for sure some error checking should be done for a solid code..
Hope it helps someone! And, of course, if you have some hints to make this code more readable or more compact (one-liner guys are very appreciate!) or efficient.. just comment, thank you a lot!