How to color code rows in a table dc.datatable?

2019-02-19 02:18发布

On the DC.js github, Stock Market Selection Strategy by Lon Riesberg is listed as an example of using the dc.js library.

He was able to color code the rows, as shown in the image below, which I'm trying to mimic.

enter image description here

See here for my code:

In particular, how would I change the color of the rows so that all rows with the name 'Red' are red, with the name 'Blue' are Blue, and the name 'White' are white.


items = [
            {Id: "01", Name: "Red", Price: "1.00", Quantity: "1",TimeStamp:111},
            {Id: "02", Name: "White", Price: "10.00", Quantity: "1",TimeStamp:222},
            {Id: "04", Name: "Blue", Price: "9.50", Quantity: "10",TimeStamp:434},
            {Id: "03", Name: "Red", Price: "9.00", Quantity: "2",TimeStamp:545},
            {Id: "06", Name: "White", Price: "100.00", Quantity: "2",TimeStamp:676},
            {Id: "05",Name: "Blue", Price: "1.20", Quantity: "2",TimeStamp:777}

var ndx = crossfilter(items);

var Dim = ndx.dimension(function (d) {return d.Name;})
  .group(function(d) {return ' '})
  .size(100)             // number of rows to return
  function(d) { return d.Id;},
  function(d) { return d.Name;},
  function(d) { return d.Price;},
  function(d) { return d.Quantity;},
  function(d) { return d.TimeStamp;},

  .sortBy(function(d){ return d.Price;})


<table class='table table-hover' id='Table'>
    <tr class='header'>


How could this be done considering the only attributes that dc.js has are size, columns, sortBy, and order?

\"骚年 ilove
2楼-- · 2019-02-19 03:07

You had a syntax error and an unknown symbol in your codepen there. The idea is to use chart.selectAll to grab the rows, and then color them based on the data somehow:

         .style('background-color', function(d) { 
             return d ? d.Name : null; 

table with colors

Here's my fork:

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