I want to include sparklines in a shiny DT. It works fine in the RStudio viewer but in Shiny the sparklines are not rendered. Here is a minimal example.
# dependencies
# create data with sparklines
spark_data <- data.frame(
id = c('spark1', 'spark2'),
spark = c(
spk_chr(values = 1:3, elementId = 'spark1'),
spk_chr(values = 3:1, elementId = 'spark2')
# render in RStudio viewer (this works)
tbl <- datatable(spark_data, escape = FALSE)
# render in Shiny (no sparklines rendered in DT)
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output) {
# sparkline outside DT (works fine) - also ensures sparkline dependencies are attached
output$test_spark <- renderSparkline(sparkline(1:3))
# sparkline inside DT (does not render)
output$tbl <- renderDataTable(
expr = spark_data,
escape = FALSE
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I have modified your code to generate sparklines. I refered to this link to generate the sparklines.
Hope it helps!
Old-ish question, I know, but based on info in the question Add label to sparkline plot in datatable I think the solution is what you tried originally plus just a few lines. Here I trimmed out the parts demo-ing it works in the viewer and added just what is needed to make the sparklines work.