All inbuilt ActionResults in ASP.NET MVC

2019-02-19 01:29发布

I'm looking for a list of the inbuilt (and 3rd party would be a bonus) ActionResults you have available to you in a controller in ASP.NET MVC.

So far I've discovered the following:

  • ContentResult - this.Content()
  • ActionResult - this.View()
  • JsonResult - this.Json()
  • JavascriptResult - this.Javascript()
  • PartialViewResult - this.PartialView()

Have I missed any useful ones that are out there?

2楼-- · 2019-02-19 01:55

3rd party: MVCcontrib XmlResult

3楼-- · 2019-02-19 02:06

From this source:

  • ContentResult
    Writes a string value directly into the HTTP response.

  • EmptyResult
    Does not write to the HTTP response.

  • FileContentResult
    Takes the contents of a file (represented as an array of bytes) and write the contents into the HTTP response.

  • FilePathResult
    Takes the contents of a file at the given location and writes the contents into the HTTP response.

  • FileStreamResult
    Takes a file stream produced by the controller and writes the stream into the HTTP response.

  • HttpUnauthorizedResult
    A special result used by authorization filters when authorization checks fail.

  • JavaScriptResult
    Responds to the client with a script for the client to execute.

  • JsonResult
    Responds to the client with data in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

  • RedirectResult
    Redirects the client to a new URL.

  • RedirectToRouteResult
    Renders the specified view to respond with an HTML fragment (typically used in AJAX scenarios).

  • PartialViewResult
    Renders the specified view to respond with an HTML fragment (typically used in AJAX scenarios).

  • ViewResult
    Renders the specified view and responds to the client with HTML.

4楼-- · 2019-02-19 02:10

The book, ASP.NET MVC 1.0, has the following results (p 235): EmptyResult, ContentResult, JsonResult, RedirectResult, RedirectToRouteResult, ViewResult, PartialViewResult, FilePathResult, FileContentResult, FileStreamResult, JavaScriptResult

You can find out more specifics about each one here

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