Powershell Script to monitoring status and send em

2019-02-19 01:36发布

I have a lot of websites to monitor their up/down status, possible errors, ping and the other things that I managed to get with a script. My idea is the following: This script will run with task scheduler, get the results and send us (from the SQA publications) an email. So, I managed to create the script with success, he gets all I need and generates a html file in the C: drive. My problem is that after I get the result the function which sends the email isn't sending the email. I don't get any error messages, debug is fine, SMTP and all configurations are correct. But it won't send the email with the html file attached!

The code is this:

$URLListFile = "C:\URLList.txt"  
$URLList = Get-Content $URLListFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
  $Result = @() 

  Foreach($Uri in $URLList) { 
  $time = try{ 
  $request = $null 

  $result1 = Measure-Command { $request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri } 

   $request = $_.Exception.Response 
   $time = -1 
  $result += [PSCustomObject] @{ 
  Time = Get-Date; 
  Uri = $uri; 
  StatusCode = [int] $request.StatusCode; 
  StatusDescription = $request.StatusDescription; 
  ResponseLength = $request.RawContentLength; 
  TimeTaken =  $time;  


if($result -ne $null) 
    $Outputreport = "<HTML><TITLE>Website Report Status</TITLE><BODY background-color:peachpuff><font color =""#99000"" face=""Microsoft Tai le""><H2> Website Report Status </H2></font><Table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR bgcolor=gray align=center><TD><B>URL</B></TD><TD><B> Code </B></TD><TD><B> Status </B></TD><TD><B> Duration </B></TD><TD><B> MS (Ping) </B></TD</TR>" 
    Foreach($Entry in $Result) 
        if($Entry.StatusCode -ne "200") 
           $Outputreport += "<TR bgcolor=red>" 
            $Outputreport += "<TR>" 
        $Outputreport += "<TD>$($Entry.uri)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.StatusCode)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.StatusDescription)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.ResponseLength)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.timetaken)</TD></TR>" 
    $Outputreport += "</Table></BODY></HTML>" 

$Outputreport | out-file C:\URLReport.htm 
Invoke-Expression C:\URLReport.htm   

$EmailFrom = "noreply@domain.com"
$EmailTo = "destinyemail@domain.com"
$EmailSubject = "URL Report"
$emailbody = " body message "
$SMTPServer = "smtpserver.company.com"

$emailattachment = "C:\URLReport.htm"

function send_email {
$mailmessage = New-Object system.net.mail.mailmessage
$mailmessage.from = ($emailfrom)
$mailmessage.Subject = $emailsubject
$mailmessage.Body = $emailbody

$attachment = New-Object System.Net.Mail.Attachment($emailattachment, 'html')

$mailmessage.IsBodyHTML = $true
$SMTPClient = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, 587) 

EDIT4: > ($SmtpServer, 587) Beeing " 587 " the port that our smtp server uses.

2楼-- · 2019-02-19 01:59

Since you're using Powershell v3, you should be using Send-MailMessage instead of dealing with System.Net.

$URLListFile = "C:\URLList.txt"  
$URLList = Get-Content $URLListFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
  $Result = @() 

  Foreach($Uri in $URLList) { 
  $time = try{ 
  $request = $null 

  $result1 = Measure-Command { $request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri } 

   $request = $_.Exception.Response 
   $time = -1 
  $result += [PSCustomObject] @{ 
  Time = Get-Date; 
  Uri = $uri; 
  StatusCode = [int] $request.StatusCode; 
  StatusDescription = $request.StatusDescription; 
  ResponseLength = $request.RawContentLength; 
  TimeTaken =  $time;  


if($result -ne $null) 
    $Outputreport = "<HTML><TITLE>Website Report Status</TITLE><BODY background-color:peachpuff><font color =""#99000"" face=""Microsoft Tai le""><H2> Website Report Status </H2></font><Table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR bgcolor=gray align=center><TD><B>URL</B></TD><TD><B> Code </B></TD><TD><B> Status </B></TD><TD><B> Duration </B></TD><TD><B> MS (Ping) </B></TD</TR>" 
    Foreach($Entry in $Result) 
        if($Entry.StatusCode -ne "200") 
           $Outputreport += "<TR bgcolor=red>" 
            $Outputreport += "<TR>" 
        $Outputreport += "<TD>$($Entry.uri)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.StatusCode)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.StatusDescription)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.ResponseLength)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.timetaken)</TD></TR>" 
    $Outputreport += "</Table></BODY></HTML>" 

$Outputreport | out-file C:\URLReport.htm 
Invoke-Item C:\URLReport.htm   

$EmailFrom = "noreply@domain.com"
$EmailTo = "destinyemail@domain.com"
$EmailSubject = "URL Report"
$emailbody = " body message "
$SMTPServer = "smtpserver.company.com"

$emailattachment = "C:\URLReport.htm"

Send-MailMessage -Port 587 -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -From $EmailFrom -To $EmailTo -Attachments $emailattachment -Subject $EmailSubject -Body $emailbody -Bodyashtml;
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