I have a MySQL database table populated with non English data. When I view the data in Navicat MySQL browser the data appears fine. However when I run a php script to select and display the data on a web page it displays question marks instead. The page encoding is set to utf8 and even the MySQL collation is set to utf8 - something gets wrong in selecting and displaying... please help.
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MySQL connection settings could be at fault here. Run this MySQL command when you connect to the database from PHP, before you run any other SQL commands:
This should set the connection's encoding to UTF-8. As you're saying, the page and the database is already in UTF-8 (that should also mean the page sends
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
); the connection itself can accidentaly have a different encoding by default :(In addition, in HTML, inside we must write:
When we create a MySQL database, we must use something like this:
When we create tables, use:
In PHP code, after mysql_connect() and mysql_select_db(), use: