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I am developing an application in JavaFX, and for views, I use FXML.
<AnchorPane id="AnchorPane" fx:id="dashboard" prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="600.0" stylesheets="@css/dashboard.css" xmlns="http://javafx.com/javafx/8" xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml/1" fx:controller="com.hassanalthaf.telemart.viewmodels.DashboardViewModel">
<MenuBar maxWidth="600.0" minWidth="600.0" prefWidth="600.0">
<Menu mnemonicParsing="false" text="File">
<MenuItem mnemonicParsing="false" text="Close" />
<Menu mnemonicParsing="false" text="Help">
<MenuItem mnemonicParsing="false" text="About" />
<AnchorPane fx:id="home" layoutY="29.0" maxHeight="-Infinity" maxWidth="-Infinity" minHeight="-Infinity" minWidth="-Infinity" prefHeight="371.0" prefWidth="600.0" />
<AnchorPane fx:id="about" layoutY="29.0" maxHeight="-Infinity" maxWidth="-Infinity" minHeight="-Infinity" minWidth="-Infinity" prefHeight="371.0" prefWidth="600.0" />
<AnchorPane fx:id="users" layoutY="29.0" maxHeight="-Infinity" maxWidth="-Infinity" minHeight="-Infinity" minWidth="-Infinity" prefHeight="371.0" prefWidth="600.0" />
As you can see, this snippet contains some <AnchorPane>
s with the IDs home
, about
, users
. These are separate pages of my application. To manipulate those Panes, I have to inject them to my code like this:
private AnchorPane home;
private AnchorPane about;
private AnchorPane users;
This may look neat for now, but when there is more than 20 pages, it may look a bit messy and tedious. Is there any way to group them into an array or something in a clean and efficient way?
You could use
to place the elements in aList
and in the scene graph and inject the list to the controller:Controller