Using the spring-integration-kafka extention and the following configuration:
<int-kafka:zookeeper-connect id="zookeeperConnect"
zk-connect="#{kafkaConfig['zooKeeperUrl']}" zk-connection-timeout="10000"
zk-session-timeout="10000" zk-sync-time="2000" />
<int-kafka:consumer-context id="consumerContext" consumer-timeout="5000" zookeeper-connect="zookeeperConnect">
max-messages="5" >
<int-kafka:topic id="purchase" streams="1" />
max-messages="10" >
<int-kafka:topic id="event" streams="1" />
id="kafkaInboundChannelAdapter" kafka-consumer-context-ref="consumerContext"
auto-startup="true" channel="inputFromKafka">
<int:poller fixed-delay="20" time-unit="MILLISECONDS" />
When for example I comment the first consumer-configuration
I can have 300 event per minute with no issue. But when both are activated. I have a very low throughput. Total of throughput coming from both topic is less than a 50 per minutes.
Anyone know why I have such poor performance when reading from 2 topic? What did I do wrong in the configuration?
Thank you for pointing this out!
After some big fight with my local Kafka claster I have been able to reproduce your issue and I am with some workaround for you :-).
First of all it isn't
, but one by one:Where each of those
are blocked on the background during thatconsumer-timeout="5000"
, if there is no messages in theKafkaStream
right now. Hence entirepoll
task from the<int-kafka:inbound-channel-adapter>
is blocked until that timeout or even worse: if each topic doesn't have message the whole waiting time out is sum of timeouts!To overcome the issue, you can decrease
or provide several<int-kafka:consumer-context>
and therefore<int-kafka:inbound-channel-adapter>
for each topic.Yes, it looks odd and it is really bad that we haven't found a time to take a look to this before release, but anyway feel free to raise JIRA issue to fix it.
Thank you!