Let's say I have existing code which I want to extend but also to avoid changing it as much as possible.
Somewhere around this code there is a method that receives some type.
Engine.method(Base b)
Now, I want to extend this functionality. So I extends Base into a type called Derived which holds some more data I need and I also implements another method that receives the Derived type and do something different with it.
Engine.method(Derived d)
But I don't want to change the original call to "method". I somehow managed to instansiate the correct type (Base or Derived) by using a flag but since the original call is taking the Base then my new method will not be called.
Base b = null;
if(flag) {
b = new Derived()
} else{
b = new Base()
The problem is that now my Engine.method(Derived d) will not be called. I worked-around it by using casting
But that's wrong and stupid. Any suggestions?
I can always do:
if(flag) {
Engine.methodForBase(new Base())
} else{
Engine.methodForDerived(new Derived())
But can you think of something better?
Why not simply call the method with a parameter of the correct type?
You could also consider reusing the
method(Base b)
:Write this:
But probably, you should extend your
class to allow for more polymorphism, e.g. do something like this:And have implementations for
like this:That happens because Java uses single dispatch. This ends meaning that in your case, the method called depends on the type of reference "b", which is Base, and not on the type of the instance that "b" holds. Therefore, method xpto.(Base b) will always be called.
You really have to cast it or use the last approach you wrote.