I have like 100+ images(frames) in my drawables and each of them are 1-5 kbs size (with resolution 480 x 272). now when I add these images (frames) in animation-list xml and try to run it, I get this OutOfMemory error, I have searched on internet but couldn't find what I am looking for. so anyone can please tell me what should I do to overcome this error
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Do one thing in the manifest.xml
make call the Animation in
runOnUiThread (Runnable action)
Single Image need memory:
In this case you have 100 images and dimensions are 400*262.
So , 100 * 400*262*4 = ? KB , size occur during the loading time. If the animation is exceeding the limit of Virtual Heap Memory.
Error will occur defiantly.
For this :
Reduce the
of ImageOr
use less images for the animation
split into two animation file
after one completion start another oneEDITED on 16th June 2015
Try to use
and call Handler after few millisecond. It will also reduce the memory issue(OOM).