I am trying to bind connection to the DB using JNDI in my application that runs on JBoss. I did the following:
- I created the datasource file oracle-ds.xml filled it with the relevant xml elements:
<datasources> <local-tx-datasource> <jndi-name>bilby</jndi-name> ... </local-tx-datasource> </datasources>
and put it in the folder \server\default\deploy
Added the relevant oracle jar file
than in my application I performed:
JndiObjectFactoryBean factory = new JndiObjectFactoryBean();
factory.setJndiName("bilby"); try{ factory.afterPropertiesSet(); dataSource = factory.getObject(); } catch(NamingException ne) { ne.printStackTrace(); }
and this cause the error:
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: bilby not bound
then in the output after this error occured I saw the line:
18:37:56,560 INFO [ConnectionFactoryBindingService] Bound ConnectionManager 'jb oss.jca:service=DataSourceBinding,name=bilby' to JNDI name 'java:bilby'
So what is my configuration problem? I think that it may be that JBoss first loads and runs the .war file of my application and only then it loads the oracle-ds.xml that contain my data-source definition. The problem is that they are both located in the same folder. Is there a way to define priority of loading them, or maybe this is not the problem at all.
Any idea?
To check how the datasource is bound in the JNDI tree you should use the
http://localhost8080/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=inspectMBean&name=jboss%3Aservice%3DJNDIView and invoke thelist()
method.Datasources are registered under "jdbc". In your case "jdbc/bilby"
EDIT: That was an example that works for me without spring. Now found this example which injects a more complete JNDI name.
You should use such construction to call Datasource: java:bilby.
You can read more about that here:
Naming and Directory (JNDI) - JBOSS jndi Datasource: jdbc not bound