for my app I need the space key to call a function independent from the focused widget, everywhere in the app but only if the according tab is opend. I found that one can add a filter to the display, like this:
getShell().getDisplay().addFilter(SWT.KeyDown, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(Event arg0) {
if( arg0.character == 32 ) { /**SPACE*/
if( mainTabs.getSelection().equals(analyseSoundFilesTab)) {
That works fine most of the time, but if I give a button the focus via the "tab" or "shift tab", its kinda strange - the space bar will than activate a "button pressed", as if one clicks the button with the mouse. Im a bit stuck now, I don't know how to avoid this... For the buttons, I have implemented a SelectionListener.
Choosing the 'Space key' is the real problem, because it is a general feature in most (all?) OS's that pressing space is equal to selecting the widget that has focus.
A way out would be using subclassed
widgets that ignoring Space.But it would confuse a lot of users, just because they expect that a focussed button is selected when they hit space and do not expect some other action.
You can use TraverseListener and disabled press event detection using doin field. Here is a sample code:
didn't exist, your space button was detected after filter, so you would see "Space detected..." and after that "Button pressed...". Now that you sette.doit = true
, you say to SWT to do space bar traversal (which does nothing actually) instead of firing key listener. You may optionally check te.detail to only prevent mnemonic traversals.