What is the easiest way to make a single sign on (SSO) for a Django project and a vBulletin board on the same domain?
I have an existing database of vBulletin users. I have looked into Django's RemoteUserBackend and vBulletin's vBSSO but I haven't found a complete solution.
I doesn't know Django, but when you are up to something like this, search for "bridges". There is a high chance someone have already done that for you.
These three source of information can also help you get through doing your own bridge:
Drupal Bridge
CakePHP Bridge
Generic Bridge
Basically you need to look into cookies and match the session hash from vBulletin DB to assure user is logged in, and then you can gather all the user information.
Quoting the third link doing a Generig Bridge:
Check cookie values in database:
Wrap it all up to determine if user is logged:
Retrieve user info to be displayed:
And to conclude, use the above functions somewhere. Like this:
I hope it might help you doing some progress.