I am writing a code to control robotic arm in 3D space. The robotic arm handle the rotation by quaternion but I want user to control it by changing yaw, pitch and roll since its more sensible for human to use these.
I wrote function to get the amount that user wants to rotate the arm in each of directions(roll, pitch, yaw) and output the new quaternion. I saved the current_quaternion as a global variable.
I am using C++ and Eigen.
Eigen::Quaterniond euler2Quaternion( const double roll,
const double pitch,
const double yaw)
Eigen::AngleAxisd rollAngle(roll,Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX());
Eigen::AngleAxisd pitchAngle(pitch,Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY());
Eigen::AngleAxisd yawAngle(yaw,Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ());
Eigen::Quaterniond q = rollAngle*pitchAngle*yawAngle;
return current_q;
I tried many things changing the order of multiplying angles and multiplying UnitX(), UnitY() and UnitZ() by current_q.toRotationMatrix() but non of them worked.
Why not build the quaternions directly?
Your example is almost identical to the example
Have you tried printing the result of that combined rotation matrix? I will bet it is diagonal 1,1,1 when the angles are zero.
I'm confused about your use of current_q. If roll, pitch, yaw corresponds to some fixed reference direction, then q will be the whole rotation. In that case, this:
should just be
roll, pitch, yaw
are meant as changes to the current euler rotation angles (which start from some fixed reference direction), it's easier to store these angles and change them accordingly:This is also suggested in a comment by sbabbi