I'm decided to try my first use for elasticsearch on a simple to-do list application. I followed this video to use the module and modified nothing in the module itself all what i did was creating the application and adding the class search.java in the controllers.
Execution exception
NoNodeAvailableException occured : No node available
In {module:elasticsearch-0.4}/app/controllers/elasticsearch/ElasticSearchController.java (around line 367)
// FIXME Currently we ignore the orderBy and order fields
query.from((page - 1) * getPageSize()).size(getPageSize());
return query.fetch();
Have you configured your elasticsearch nodes in your
? More specificallyelasticsearch.client=mynode1:9200,mynode2:9200
You can also check if your elasticsearch nodes are running fine by using the elasticsearch-head plugin.
I had the same problem, what I did was:
1.Check if the nodes have the correct port open with:
2.Check that everything is ok with telnet =):
3.Make sure you have the correct version of elasticsearch!
In the elasticsearch plugin that I'm using elastisearch 0.19.10 is used. When I installed elasticsearch on my server I accidentally used 0.20.1 which caused the: NoNodeAvailableException occured : No node available exception.
Hope this helps!