How can I work around the Oracle's limitation of not allowing subqueries in triggers.
Here's an example trigger I'm trying to create, but am unable to because I can't use a subquery.
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER trigger_w_subquery
AFTER UPDATE OR INSERT ON project_archiving
FOR EACH ROW WHEN (old.archiving_status <> new.archiving_status
AND new.archiving_status = 1
AND (SELECT offer FROM projects WHERE projnum = :new.projnum) IS NULL
INSERT INTO offer_log (offer, status, date)
VALUES (null, 9, sysdate);
Can you put the condition into the action (between BEGIN and END) instead of in the 'whether it fires'? Yes, it means that the trigger body might be fired more often - but if it gets you around the problem...
I expect that you want something like
This trigger would do it:
I have assumed that the select from projects will always find a row; if not it will raise a NO_DATA_FOUND exception that you may need to handle.