I have a runtime error on my stock quoting application. I have an app where you input your a stock (as in stock market) code and will list it with two buttons. One button to display a quote and the other to view more info from the web. The web function is fine but the app crashes when I hit the quote button.
LogCat is asking me whether I declared my activity in my AndroidManifest.xml. I am still new to Android development so this is the best of which I can analyze the problem. I am not sure where to look for these errors.
Just use 'mstf' as a stock code if you need to test a fix.
You can find my app here: https://github.com/xamroc/StockQuote/tree/bug-quote
I would also appreciate any tips on debugging tools or techniques for Android.
Your Activity means you have to declare your each and every class in android manifest so that it recognizes them as the Activity.So after the end of the Activity main you can do following:
You have two activities in your package, but have only declared one in manifest.
Declare the other Activity class:
Add this to your manifest:
Source: http://developer.android.com/guide/components/activities.html
you should declare the activity in manifest xml by defining the launchMode to singleTask or singleInstance.example:
Insert this
<activity android:name=".StockInfoActivity" ></activity>
in your AndroidManifest.xml