I know, that question was asked but it is not clear to me.
I have put all fields 'readonly field' for Essai_TemperatureInline
I would like to add new Inline in the admin for records not created by current user.
How to do if I want to add new records?
class Essai_TemperatureInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = Essai_Temperature
extra = 5
ordering = ('choix__name', 'choix__lapropriete',)
def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None):
if request.user.is_superuser == False:
notBelongToMe = Material.objects.exclude(user=request.user)
jj = 0
if obj:
while jj < len(notBelongToMe):
if notBelongToMe[jj] == obj:
return self.readonly_fields + (
jj += 1
return self.readonly_fields
class MaterialAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = (MediaInline, UniteProperty2Inline, Essai_TemperatureInline)
Unfortunately, you can't. At least not in a nice way, trough Python, as you would expect if you know how to do it with regular ModelAdmin. It's a bug in the admin, documented in Ticket #15602
What you can do is make use of JavaScript. Use this selector:
class is applied to every inline that represents an already-saved model instance.So, in the
class, make all your fields editable (non-readonly), and then use JS (jQuery, I guess) to make some of the fields readonly:See The Documentation about how to add your own JS to admin pages. Basically:
security note:
This can obviously easily be tricked over, with Firebug or similar browser tool. So make sure to take that into account if necessary, and do some checks, probably somewhere on
If you do not really care if the field is read only but you only need to prevent users from changing it, I have found a workaround:
In the clean method of the inline modelform raise a vailidation error: