This is the code I'm using as I work my way to a solution.
public function indexAction()
//id3 options
$options = array("version" => 3.0, "encoding" => Zend_Media_Id3_Encoding::ISO88591, "compat" => true);
//path to collection
$path = APPLICATION_PATH . '/../public/Media/Music/';//Currently Approx 2000 files
//inner iterator
$dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
foreach ($iterator as $file) {
if (!$file->isDir() && $file->getExtension() === 'mp3') {
//real path to mp3 file
$filePath = $file->getRealPath();
Zend_Debug::dump($filePath);//current results: accepted path no errors
$id3 = new Zend_Media_Id3v2($filePath, $options);
foreach ($id3->getFramesByIdentifier("T*") as $frame) {
$data[$frame->identifier] = $frame->text;
Zend_Debug::dump($data);//currently can scan the whole collection without timing out, but APIC data not being processed.
The problem: Process a file system of mp3 files in multiple directories. Extract id3 tag data to a database (3 tables) and extract the cover image from the tag to a separate file.
I can handle the actual extraction and data handling. My issue is with output.
With the way that Zend Framework 1.x handles output buffering, outputting an indicator that the files are being processed is difficult. In an old style PHP script, without output buffering, you could print out a bit of html with every iteration of the loop and have some indication of progress.
I would like to be able to process each album's directory, output the results and then continue on to the next album's directory. Only requiring user intervention on certain errors.
Any help would be appreciated.
Javascript is not the solution I'm looking for. I feel that this should be possible within the constructs of PHP and a ZF 1 MVC.
I'm doing this mostly for my own enlightenment, it seems a very good way to learn some important concepts.
Ok, how about some ideas on how to break this down into smaller chunks. Process one chunk, commit, process next chunk, kind of thing. In or out of ZF.
I'm beginning to see the problem with what I'm trying to accomplish. It seems that output buffering is not just happening in ZF, it's happening everywhere from ZF all the way to the browser. Hmmmmm...
This is a typical example of what you should not do because
You are trying to parse
ID3 tag
with PHP which is slow and trying to have multiple parse files at once would definitely make it even slowerRecursiveDirectoryIterator
would load all the files in a folder and sub folder from what i see there is no limit .. it can be2,000
today the100,000
the next day ? Total processing time is unpredictable and this can definitely take some hours in some casesHigh dependence on single file system, with your current architecture the files are stored in local system so it would be difficult to split the files and do proper load balancing
You are not checking if the file information has been extracted before and this results
Loop and extraction Duplication
No locking system
.. this means that this process can be initiated simultaneously resulting to general slow performance on the serverSolution 1 : With Current Architecture
My advice is not to use
to process the files in bulk.Target the file as soon as they are uploaded or transferred to the server. That way you are only working with one file at a time this way to can spread the processing time.
Solution 2: Job Queue (Proposed Solution)
Your problem is exactly what Job Queue are designed to do you are also not limited to implementing the parsing with
.. you take advantage ofC
for performanceAdvantage
sever inC
Examples have tested
Expected Process Client
Expected Process Server
Finally this processing can be done on multiple servers in parallel
One solution would be to use a Job Queue, such a Gearman. Gearman is an excellent solution for this kind of problem, and easily integrated with Zend Framework (
It will allow you to create a worker to process each "chuck", allowing your process to continue unblocked while the job is processed, very handy for long running proceeses such as music/image processing etc
I should suggest using plugin.
I'm not familiar with how Zend Framework work. I will give you a general advice. When working with process that is doing so many iterative and possibly in long time, it is generally advised that the long process be moved into background process. Or, in web related, moved into cron job.
If the process you want to use is for single site, you can implement something like this, in your cronjob (note: rough pseudo-code):
Next, in your php file for web, you can add snippet to, says admin page, or footer, or whatever page you want, to see the progress: