I have one very dirty query that per sure can be optimized because there are so many CASE statements in it!
(CASE pa.KplusTable_Id WHEN 1 THEN sp.sp_id
WHEN 2 THEN fw.fw_id
WHEN 3 THEN s.sw_Id
WHEN 4 THEN id.ia_id END) as Deal_Id,
max(CASE pa.KplusTable_Id WHEN 1 THEN sp.Trans_Id
WHEN 2 THEN fw.Trans_Id
WHEN 3 THEN s.Trans_Id
WHEN 4 THEN id.Trans_Id END) as TransId_CurrentMax
INTO #MaxRazlicitOdNull
FROM #PotencijalniAktuelni pa LEFT JOIN kplus_sp sp (nolock) on sp.sp_id=pa.Deal_Id AND pa.KplusTable_Id=1
LEFT JOIN kplus_fw fw (nolock) on fw.fw_id=pa.Deal_Id AND pa.KplusTable_Id=2
LEFT JOIN dev_sw s (nolock) on s.sw_Id=pa.Deal_Id AND pa.KplusTable_Id=3
LEFT JOIN kplus_ia id (nolock) on id.ia_id=pa.Deal_Id AND pa.KplusTable_Id=4
WHERE isnull(CASE pa.KplusTable_Id WHEN 1 THEN sp.BROJ_TIKETA
WHEN 3 THEN s.tiket
GROUP BY CASE pa.KplusTable_Id WHEN 1 THEN sp.sp_id
WHEN 2 THEN fw.fw_id
WHEN 3 THEN s.sw_Id
WHEN 4 THEN id.ia_id END
Because I have same condition couple times, do you have idea how to optimize query, make it simpler and better. All suggestions are welcome!
TnX in advance!
The Cases is Ok for me. Usually are faster than Union. Put several variants of your query and compare batch in Plan. Only one (insignificant) details Change
for this
Another sol (with UNION):
Test every variant of query in plan and choose faster
The quickest query may be to union each of the 4 clauses out and union them together. The code ends up longer but its much more clear what each block does - especially if you comment them together.
Wrap the entire query in a select to do your insert into #MaxRazlicitOdNull
To me this looks like a botched attempt in sub-typing. This is what I think you have now.
Based on the model, the following should work:
SQL Server 2005 +