I have a Rails project that I will be deploying to the spectacularly awesome Heroku.
I would really like to be able to automate pushing my resources to Amazon S3 automatically, resources in this case being my images, stylesheets and javascript.
Obviously I can write some sort of capistrano task to do this myself, but does anyone know of something that does this already?
Note: I don't need to be able to upload user-files to S3 as I do that already via paperclip. I am talking about the actual project files required to run the site.
There is also capistrano-s3 gem which is similar to jammit-s3 but a bit simpler and framework agnostic.
It simply publish all files in your public folder to amazon s3 using capistrano so you may add custom hooks. Have a look at the doc here :
I does not deal with CloudFront invalidations, but I plan on adding this feature.
I tried Jammit S3, but it didn't have the control I was looking for, so I wrote my own CLI script and just got around to publishing it:
I bumped into your question looking for the same answer. I have good experience with Jammit as an asset packager and I just bumped into a gem which can deploy to S3 and seems to perfectly fit your needs.
Best, Jeroen
I found a good article which actually explain about the method to minify, compress and upload the static conetents (js/css) to Amazon S3 using Capistrano script.
Check the article at http://www.makeurownrules.com/ruby-on-rails/minify-compress-synch-amazons3-capistrano
Cheers, Kapil