Well, this is my first post here and really enjoying the site.
I have a very basic (ugly as sin) site I have started and for some reason, I can not get the CSS Sticky footer to work for FireFox. IE works but FF shows it halfway up the page.
The URL is http://dev.aipoker.co.uk
I know I should be developing in FF and bug fixing in IE so I am guessing I might have actually made a mistake and somehow it works in IE but nowhere else.
Can anyone help put me out of my misery please?
Thanks, guys and gals.
The minimal changes I can see to do this would be:
which ends up with something like this in your head:
I've had success with code like this:
This is all you need to know about css only sticky footers & sticky navs:
Stick to bottom of page
Stick to bottom of screen
Any issues and it's probably due to where you placed your html code (don't make the footer a child element unless it's sticking to the content wrapper), or overlapping CSS.
You can apply the same technique to sticky navigation by flipping the auto & top. It'sis cross browser compatible (From memory from IE7 and above) including mobiles.
Try this one, it works well on Firefox.
BTW, you should listen to Boagworld's podcast if you don't already. It's brilliant! :)