Instead of adding each item one by one to the ListBox destinationList
from the string array m_List
like this:
foreach (object name in m_List)
Is there any better way I can do it?
I don't want to bind the data to the destinationList since I want to delete some entries from the ListBox later on.
Okay.. if binding is not an option - and I would probably go that way if it was... then the only more efficient way to populate the listbox would be to do it in parallel.
(For this to work I am assuming you have the .Net 4 runtime, or the PLinq libraries installed)
The following code would show massive improvements on a multicore machine provided the collection of data was large enough to warrant the overhead of the initial setup. So this would only be viable for larger arrays.
Else I don't see anything wrong with your foreach loop.
Just use (ItemSource as ObservableCollection)... to work with items, and not Items.Add etc.
If you only want to express it more elegantly, then perhaps this will work.
use OberservableCollection