I am trying to catch an error in a SQL query (not in a stored procedure) using try-catch.
For some reason this is not handling my error and I am still getting:
Msg 213, Level 16, State 1, Line 29 Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
Any help please?
begin try
create table #temp_hierarchy
(temp_gl_number varchar(50)
,temp_store_location varchar(255)
,temp_store_key varchar(50)
,temp_serving_dc varchar(50)
,temp_exploris_db varchar(50)
,temp_dc_account varchar(50)
,temp_store_type varchar(50)
,temp_dvp_ops varchar(50)
,temp_rdo varchar(50)
,temp_team varchar(50)
,temp_dvp_sales varchar(50)
,temp_rds varchar(50)
,temp_closed varchar(50)
,temp_open_date varchar(50)
,temp_close_date varchar(50)
,temp_store_manager varchar(250)
,temp_sales_teammate varchar(250)
,temp_machine_shop varchar(50)
,temp_address varchar(250)
,temp_city varchar(50)
,temp_state varchar(50)
,temp_zip varchar(50)
,temp_phone varchar(50)
,temp_fax varchar(50))
insert into #temp_hierarchy
select *
from OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0',
'Excel 12.0;Database=C:\SQL_DATA_REPORTING\8-31-11 Store Hierarchy.xlsx;HDR=YES',
'SELECT * FROM [Master List$]');
truncate table tbl_hierarchy
insert into tbl_hierarchy
select *
from #temp_hierarchy
where temp_gl_number is not null
and temp_gl_number <> 'GLID'
select @@ROWCOUNT + ' Records sucessfully imported'
end try
begin catch
select 'ERROR: ' & ERROR_NUMBER() + '. Unable to import records, existing data was not lost.'
end catch;
You have a compile time error which cannot be caught in a try-catch.
You should not be inserting using SELECT * - ever! This is poor practice and it is causing exactly the error you posted. Define the columns in your select and in the INSERT part of your query.
HLGEM - I use insert dbo.mytable select*from dbo.mySrcTbl all the time and on purpose, I do so as to catch schema changes, and catch, log, send me an email.
I don't control all the tables in my world and the data czar is often asleep during non business hours.
The error is caused by the following statement
@@ROWCOUNT is an integer, so convert to a string first.
EDIT: That is an error, but it does appear that this error will be caught be the catch, so you must have another compile-time error causing the problem.