I have a service that collects data, can I save the data in case of reboot or any other action that will restart the service, and how can I do it?
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You may want to make use of Android's SQLite3 support, which provides you with a lightweight relational database on the handset where you can store your data. For an introduction (as well as some other options), see: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/data/data-storage.html
Android Services have a lifecycle like its Activities. Refer to the documentation for proper callbacks to save state before a service is shutdown.
Might I recommend the onDestroy() method.
Or use the serialization API
You will not necessarily find out when those sorts of events will occur. Save your data as you go.
Use a file. Or a database, which is a type of file. Or a
structure, which is backed by a type of file.