I've been looking for a simple way to invert a mask in flash. Its just amazing how it doesn't have this feature.
I just really need to paint shape and whatever is below (in layers) wont show up.
Any suggestions?
I've been looking for a simple way to invert a mask in flash. Its just amazing how it doesn't have this feature.
I just really need to paint shape and whatever is below (in layers) wont show up.
Any suggestions?
NOTE: Remember for this to work inside a movie clip (i.e. you have created an inverted animated mask movie clip that will erase itself etc); the movie clip in which it is embedded MUST BE SET TO BLENDMODE: LAYER ALSO otherwise the overall effect will be ignored - hope this helps!
To create an inverted mask in code do the following
To create an inverted mask in the Flash Professional IDE Choose the properties panel of the image you want masked, select "Display" -> "Blending" -> "Layer" Then select your mask, and choose "Display -> "Blending" -> "Erase" You'll see something like this: