I defind the connection string in web.config
<add name="student" connectionString="Server=student;Max Pool Size=300;Initial Catalog=studentDB;User ID=student;Password=st123dent;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
how can i change the connection string dynamically in c#
in Web Confige put this code
in your connection put this code
If a user is able to change the value of the Setting, then the web.config file is the wrong place to store the setting.
You should check out a User Scoped value in a Settings file instead.
MSDN - Using Settings in C
When using settings like this, changing the value at runtime is easy:
You can open your Web.Config file for reading and writing using
. And provided you have write permission you'll be able to make modifications such as changing the connection string.This surely has to be better than using reflection to modify a private field.
Modifying web.config will then recycle the web application, so this isn't suitable for letting users make changes to web.config - though it could be used in specific scenarios such as deployment.
Configuration is read only so you can not do it in obvious way like
This raises System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException exception which saying that "Configuration is read only".
Here is a trick using reflection to reset readOnly attribute of configuration element. See this article for full details Programmatically setting a connectionString property
Code snippet:
BTW, why you need change it the configuration? I'm feeling that you'are trying to solve some problem in wrong way.
Use NameSpace