I am trying to play an array of mp3 sound. I have an audio file in my html and get it using document.CreateElement()
in my JavaScript.
When I try to set the src attribute (setAttribute("src", string)
) I get an error in IE saying "Not Implemented".
I tried using the new Audio(), I get the same error in IE, "Not Implemented". Both approaches works in Google chrome and Firefox.
Can anyone help?
<audio id="audio1" >Not supported</audio>
audioElm = document.getElementById("audio1");
audioElm.setAttribute("src", aud[count]);
HTML5 Audio not playing in IE (recent versions)?
It could be a compatibility view issue (quirks mode)
It could be caused by running IE on a server
It could be caused by running IE on a Windows 8.1 Enterprise version such as "8.1 N".
Also you can go to html5test.com and look in the audio section at the "MP3 support".