Hi I have a json string converted unsing the JSON framework into a dictionary and I need to extract its content. How could I iterate to the nested dictionaries? I have already this code that allows me to see the dictionary:
NSDictionary *results = [responseString JSONValue];
NSMutableArray *catArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (id key in results) {
NSLog(@"key: %@, value: %@", key, [results objectForKey:key]);
[catArray addObject:key];
NSString *cat = key;
Could someone provide a sample on how to get to all the levels of the dic not using the name of the keys?
The result structure of the dic is like this: http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/e7c020d697.png
alt text http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/e7c020d697.png
I'm sure you have solved this at this point, but I found it convenient to write a recursive utility class function that recursively logs every key of a dictionary:
The header of the category:
The body:
I have tried recursion and hope this could help.
P.S. This will return the first occurrence of the key.
Hope that helped.
EDIT: i'm not sure if i understand your structure correct, but i'm asuming you have some values in your dictionairy which are again dictionairies. if you want to interate through a dictionairy which is located inside another one you could do it like this:
Of couse if you know the specific key to your desired dictionairy, you can check for that instead of checking if the value is a dict. But maybe it's not a bad idea to check that in both cases...
You probably have to try recursive function.
this will list all keys and its level.