How can I use Koa library, the express replacement, in Cloud Functions?
I know KOA use all great ES2017 and make more use of Async use of JavaScript.
or it might not be needed at all working with Cloud Functions because the Firebase system won't send multiple calls to the same Cloud Function until it ends the previous one?
it unclear to me.
it know demands Node 8.x and I know the NodeJs 8.9.x, has now LTS.
Reading from cloud functions doc:
And I saw a pull request back in November 2017, adding Nodejs v8. Here's hoping it can finally land in Google Cloud Functions
I just saw in Cloud Functions Console editor for one of my functions that Node 8 is now a runtime option. See screenshot:
Referring to the release notes from Google... Cloud Functions Release Notes
Node version supported is still at v6, same for firebase. You need to wait awhile before they release it in v8. Am pretty sure they will move to v8 when v6 no longer supported, but hopefully earlier...