I need to make a simple alarm clock application that, instead of playing a sound, will upload a file to the ftp (got the latter figured out). Timers have proved to be ineffective when it comes to executing a thread.
Here's what I got so far:
ttime : tDateTime;
timerstr : string;
timealarm : string;
aThread : TMyThread;
aThread := tMyThread.Create(false);
ttime := Now;
timestr := FormatDateTime('hh:nn:ss', ttime);
timealarm := '09:30:30';
if timestr = timealarm then
aThread.Resume; //The thread will execute once and terminate;
Can you guys think of another way to make that command happen once a day in a more effective way?
Thank you.
If I understand you right, all you need to know is how to recognize when a particular time has been reached in order to execute this thread. Indeed, a timer isn't necessarily an ideal tool to use for this, as timers don't actually trigger in real-time (you can have the interval on 500 msec, but over after 1 minute, or 60,000 msec, it will not be perfectly lined up to an exact 120 executions, as you would wish). However, that doesn't mean we can't use timers.
Inside the timer (or you can make another repeating thread for this too), you simply get the current date/time. IMPORTANT: Make sure the interval of this timer or thread is less than half a second - this will ensure that your time won't be missed. So you would read it like this...
It probably doesn't work right for you because you are using a
operator. What if this timer skips that 1 second? One execution could be the second before, and the next execution could be the second answer, in which case it won't evaluate this expression to equal true.On another note, your
constructor - are you overriding this? If so, is theFalse
still the originalCreateSuspended
parameter? If so, then you are telling this thread to execute immediately upon creation. PassTrue
in this parameter to make it suspended upon creation, because I see you are also callingThread.Resume
below that (which if the parameter remains false, it's already resumed). On the other hand, you also do not need to create that thread (at least I'm assuming) unless the time has been reached. Why are you creating it before you even check? It's creating one of these for each and every time this timer is executed (I'm presuming this is the thread that will take care of the uploading, as needed). Also, make sure that the thread is properly free'ing its self when it's done, and doesn't just get stuck...EDIT:
I missed something - if, let's say, the interval of this timer was 1 (it should be more like 200-400), then it could very well execute many times in a row, during this time period. I modified the code above to also make sure it's only executed once. NOTE: This code was typed by memory, not in a delphi environment.
Solution found: CRON Scheduler
Thank you LU RD and Runner.
Here's my sample code. It's important to note that the comparison is between TDateTime values instead of strings, the comparison is
rather than=
, I'm careful to exclude the day portion when I don't want it, and I'm keeping track of the last day it ran.Be sure to initialize the lastDateExecuted value to something like 0.
Use the timer interval for your granularity. If you want it to run within a minute of the target time, set the Interval to a minute. If you want it to try to run within a second, set the timer interval to a second.