We have a multilingual website that has content in four languages.Every language is understood by the language name that we add at the first of our url. This is our routeConfig.cs:
name: "Default",
url: "{lang}/{controller}/{action}/{id}/{title}",
defaults: new { lang = "fa", controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional,title = UrlParameter.Optional }
and this is generated the url: /en/ContactUs/Index
Also, in our controllers we get the language name from url and change the currentCulture and currentUiCulture based on it. Now, we want to have a not found page in all of the languages. Normally, to make it happen we add an error contoller and a NotFound action and view, then we add this section in our web.config:
<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="error">
<error statusCode="404" redirect="error/notfound" />
<error statusCode="403" redirect="error/forbidden" />
We have added a NotFound page that we use .resx files in it to make rtl/ltr and to show the messages in four languages. But the problem here is that in a multilingual website we are not allowed to use this address "error/notfound" because there is no languagename in it and we don't know how to add the language name in redirect="error/notfound" in the web.config file to create something like "en/error/notfound" or "fa/error/notfound". every help would be highly appreciated
I believe you can use a session variable to hold current user's ui-culture data.
I don't see a point but, if you don't want to do that, you can follow this tutorial to generate your own routes for MVC custom error page handling.
First of all, have a look at this answer for info about localizing your site via URL.
is a catch-all for ASP.NET error messages. But in general, you have control over a 404 (routing miss) within ASP.NET MVC by using a catch-all route. In this case, you can simply localize the catch-all route and get rid of this configuration in web.config.ErrorController
That takes care of the route misses within ASP.NET. For those that don't hit ASP.NET (assuming you are hosting using IIS), you should use the
section of web.config rather than<customErrors>
is localizable via theprefixLanguageFilePath
setting.Which means you would need to set up a file structure with language prefix, and use static files as targets.
AFAIK, this unfortunately means you need to have physical files at these locations. However, you could have the content of these pages setup to do both a meta-refresh redirect and a JavaScript redirect to the correct controller action.
section in web.config is the static data about some status-code and how they will be handled. The responsibility of this section can be generated dynamically by theApplication_EndRequest
method in Global.asax.