I am trying to do some Django URL matching.
i want a few urls where i have http://mysite.com/base?sort=type1/, http://mysite.com/base?sort=type2/, etc.
I can't figure out how to URL match these expressions: I'm very new to Django and never used Reg Ex before.
What I have for urls.py in my "base" application is:
url(r'^$','base.views.main, name='main'),
I can't figure out what to put to match my urls with question marks.
I'm trying something like
url(r'^?sort=popular/$', 'base.views.main_popular', name='main_popular'),
Thanks for help!
? won't match an "?" inside the url , instead it has its own meaning which you can look it up here :
Python Regular Expressions If you want to match the exact character of "?" inside your url , you have to somehow escape it ( cause it has a meaning in RegExs ) so you might wanna escape it by a "\" (a backslash ) so you would write \?sort ....
Okay so with what you've said in comments , seems here's your problem ,
occurs on your url pattern when you are rendering the template for/main/
with theGET
method dictionary argument ofsort=popular
, just write a function that distinguishes betweenGET
, in theGET
part , have sth likesort_by = request.GET.get('sort','')
and then sort accordingly with the value of sort_by variable, would be sth like :and let go of that ? inside the url pattern , that's added when you request a page with a GET argument.
You don't match these against the regex. The elements after the
are not part of the URL, they are query parameters which can be accessed from your view viarequest.GET