i am uploading video to youtube which by default uploads to user who have login in google account.
But i want to set that all video should upload using my static gmailID and password
Is it possible to Login in google account directly using static emailid and password ?
Or any other good api or example to upload video in youtube.
Thanks in advance....
I have wrapped uploading feature from project referred in MAC'S answer into single utility class :
Here is
And here is
Also you will need
Here is sample activity to use it :
Layout for sample activity
I have uploaded youtube video successfully.
by using this
1) Download ytd-android-0.2.tar.gz from this link
2) Import as an android project.
3) Replace file: GlsAuthorizer.java with ClientLoginAuthorizer.java
4) Set Username and password in ClientLoginAuthorizer.java
5) Register your email id with www.appspot.com
6) Set all values in string.xml file
7) Run project..... here you go.
code for ClientLoginAuthorizer.java