I am using this query to get time taken.
SELECT DATEDIFF(dd, ActualStartDate, ActualCompletionDate) AS TimeTaken
FROM TableName
Now I want to exclude weekends and only include Mon-Fri as days counted.
I am using this query to get time taken.
SELECT DATEDIFF(dd, ActualStartDate, ActualCompletionDate) AS TimeTaken
FROM TableName
Now I want to exclude weekends and only include Mon-Fri as days counted.
I found when i used this there was a problem when d1 fell on saturday. Below is what i used to correct this.
I just want to share the code I created that might help you.
If you do have a holiday table, you can also use that so that you don't have to list all the holidays in the ELSE IF section of the code. You can also create a function for this code and use the function whenever you need it in your query.
I hope this might help too.
Using https://stackoverflow.com/a/1804095 and JeffFisher30's answer above (https://stackoverflow.com/a/14572370/6147425) and my own need to have fractional days, I wrote this:
If you hate CASE statements as much as I do, and want to be able to use the solution inline in your queries, just get the difference of days and subtract the count of weekend days and you'll have the desired result:
(The only caveat--or at least point to keep in mind--is that this calculation is not inclusive of the last date, so you might need to add one day to the end date to achieve an inclusive result)
This is on SQL Server 2014