I have configured celery and the backend:
cleryapp = Celery(
'tasks_app', brocker='amqp://guest@localhost//',
'results' appears disabled when i start the worker, but I read on another question here that that's not the issue.
The database is getting all the data correctly, but
result = AsyncResult(task_id)
AttributeError: 'DisabledBackend' object has no attribute '_get_task_meta_for'
just like it said celery , you should specify the value of backend, just like:
app = Celery("tasks", broker='mongodb://localhost:27017/test',backend='mongodb://localhost:27017/test1')
I found a more convenient way to do that.
is the Celery instance of your application, not the celery module.try using this instead where task is the name of your task function: