how to print __uint128_t number using gcc?

2019-01-04 01:13发布

Is there PRIu128 that behaves similar to PRIu64 from <inttypes.h>:

printf("%" PRIu64 "\n", some_uint64_value);

Or converting manually digit by digit:

int print_uint128(uint128_t n) {
  if (n == 0)  return printf("0\n");

  char str[40] = {0}; // log10(1 << 128) + '\0'
  char *s = str + sizeof(str) - 1; // start at the end
  while (n != 0) {
    if (s == str) return -1; // never happens

    *--s = "0123456789"[n % 10]; // save last digit
    n /= 10;                     // drop it
  return printf("%s\n", s);

is the only option?

Note that uint128_t is my own typedef for __uint128_t.

标签: c gcc
2楼-- · 2019-01-04 01:49

Working off of abelenky's answer above, I came up with this.

void uint128_to_str_iter(uint128_t n, char *out,int firstiter){
    static int offset=0;
    if (firstiter){
    if (n == 0) {

char* uint128_to_str(uint128_t n){
    char *out=calloc(sizeof(char),40);
    uint128_to_str_iter(n, out, 1);
    return out;

Which seems to work as intended.

3楼-- · 2019-01-04 01:55

You can use this simple macro :

typedef __int128_t int128 ;
typedef __uint128_t uint128 ;

uint128  x = (uint128) 123;

printf("__int128 max  %016"PRIx64"%016"PRIx64"\n",(uint64)(x>>64),(uint64)x);
4楼-- · 2019-01-04 01:55

how to print __uint128_t number using gcc?
Is there PRIu128 that behaves similar to PRIu64 from :

No. Instead to print in decimal, print to a string.

The size of string buffer needed is just enough to do the job per the value of x.

typedef signed __int128 int128_t;
typedef unsigned __int128 uint128_t;

// Return pointer to the end
static char *uint128toa_helper(char *dest, uint128_t x) {
  if (x >= 10) {
    dest = uint128toa_helper(dest, x / 10);
  *dest = (char) (x % 10 + '0');
  return ++dest;

char *int128toa(char *dest, int128_t x) {
  if (x < 0) {
    *dest = '-';
    *uint128toa_helper(dest + 1, (uint128_t) (-1 - x) + 1) = '\0';
  } else {
    *uint128toa_helper(dest, (uint128_t) x) = '\0';
  return dest;

char *uint128toa(char *dest, uint128_t x) {
  *uint128toa_helper(dest, x) = '\0';
  return dest;

Test. Worst case buffer size: 41.

int main(void) {
  char buf[41];
  puts(uint128toa(buf, 0));
  puts(uint128toa(buf, 1));
  puts(uint128toa(buf, (uint128_t) -1));
  int128_t mx = ((uint128_t) -1) / 2;
  puts(int128toa(buf, -mx - 1));
  puts(int128toa(buf, -mx));
  puts(int128toa(buf, -1));
  puts(int128toa(buf, 0));
  puts(int128toa(buf, 1));
  puts(int128toa(buf, mx));
  return 0;


5楼-- · 2019-01-04 01:57

No there isn't support in the library for printing these types. They aren't even extended integer types in the sense of the C standard.

Your idea for starting the printing from the back is a good one, but you could use much larger chunks. In some tests for P99 I have such a function that uses

uint64_t const d19 = UINT64_C(10000000000000000000);

as the largest power of 10 that fits into an uint64_t.

As decimal, these big numbers get unreadable very soon so another, easier, option is to print them in hex. Then you can do something like

  uint64_t low = (uint64_t)x;
  // This is UINT64_MAX, the largest number in 64 bit
  // so the longest string that the lower half can occupy
  char buf[] = { "18446744073709551615" };
  sprintf(buf, "%" PRIX64, low);

to get the lower half and then basically the same with

  uint64_t high = (x >> 64);

for the upper half.

6楼-- · 2019-01-04 02:00

I don't have a built-in solution, but division/modulus is expensive. You can convert binary to decimal with just shifts.

static char *qtoa(uint128_t n) {
    static char buf[40];
    unsigned int i, j, m = 39;
    memset(buf, 0, 40);
    for (i = 128; i-- > 0;) {
        int carry = !!(n & ((uint128_t)1 << i));
        for (j = 39; j-- > m + 1 || carry;) {
            int d = 2 * buf[j] + carry;
            carry = d > 9;
            buf[j] = carry ? d - 10 : d;
        m = j;
    for (i = 0; i < 38; i++) {
        if (buf[i]) {
    for (j = i; j < 39; j++) {
        buf[j] += '0';
    return buf + i;

(But apparently 128-bit division/modulus are not as expensive as I thought. On a Phenom 9600 with GCC 4.7 and Clang 3.1 at -O2, this seems to run a 2x-3x slower than OP's method.)

7楼-- · 2019-01-04 02:02

much like #3

unsigned __int128 g = ...........;

printf ("g = 0x%lx%lx\r\n", (uint64_t) (g >> 64), (uint64_t) g);
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