I am using Django Rest Framework and have the following model:
class Picture(models.Model):
some_field = models.ForeignKey(some_model)
image = models.ImageField()
I would like to write a GET endpoint that returns the url of the image. This is what I've done so far
def get(self, request, aid):
Get Image
picture = Picture.objects.filter(some_field=aid)
except Picture.DoesNotExist:
raise Http404
serialiser = PictureSerialiser(picture)
return Response(serialiser.data)
and my Serialiser as follows:
class PictureSerialiser(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Picture
fields = ('field', 'image')
How do I make sure that the response is {field:'Value here', image:'url to image'}
You could do this with a custom serializer method like so: