I have a Github Organisation
item in jenkins. On the root of my repository, my Jenkinsfile
looks something like this:
node {
def jenkinsCredsId = 'xxxxxxxx-yyyy-zzzz-aaaa-bbbbbbbbbbbb'
stage 'Checkout'
checkout scm
// I also tried the following:
// checkout scm: [$class: 'GitSCM', source: 'ssh://git@github.com:MY_ORGANISATION/jenkins-testing-temp.git', clean: true, credentialsId: jenkinsCredsId]
stage 'Build'
// generate some artefact (dist.zip)
stage 'Release'
sshagent([jenkinsCredsId]) {
sh '''
git remote -v // show remotes
ssh-add -l // show currently loaded ssh keys fingerprints
git fetch --all --tags // IT FAILS HERE
git push --tags
github-release release \
--security-token ${GITHUB_RELEASE_TOKEN} \
--repo MY_REPO \
github-release upload \
--security-token ${GITHUB_RELEASE_TOKEN} \
--repo MY_REPO \
--file dist.zip
There's a few lines for testing repository access in here and it's currently failing on the git fetch
part with the following error:
fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': No such device or address
The git remote -v
command from the above Jenkinsfile
outputs something like origin https://github.com/MY_ORGANIZATION/MY_REPO
My Github Organization
git configuration looks like this:
I found a few related questions:
It turns out that the
Github Organization
item only uses https credentials for theScan credentials
(like the picture above).The solution was to hit
button, and to actually select assh
credential in theCheckout credentials
dropdown instead of the default- Same as scan credentials -
.Note that credentials with stars are user/password entries, that's how I found the problem.
This way, the
checkout scm
will use ssh instead and thesshagent([jenkinsCredsId]) {
block will work as expected, letting you create tags, fetch and push according to your rights. :)