I'm trying to use Javascript to submit the form's data. Here's the html.
<form onsubmit="post();">
//input fields here
Here's the Javascript for the post()
var post = function() {
alert('the form was submitted');
return false;
My issue is that the Javascript runs but the form still processes and refreshes the page..
I put the return false;
code in hoping it would stop the form from refreshing.
Since you added the
tag, this it the best way to do this:unobtrusive event attach
In your's way it should be;
You will have to put the return false part after the post() function in the onsubmit handler, like so:
Keep your js out of the DOM.
You need to actually return false from your inline dom-0 handler. So change
Or you could give your form an id and do this:
Then from a safe location in which your dom is ready:
Since this post is tagged with jQuery, I'll offer the following solution: