So I have two classes like this:
class foo {
/* code here */
$foo = new foo();
class bar {
global $foo;
public function bar () {
echo $foo->something();
I want to access the methods of foo inside all methods bar, without declaring it in each method inside bar, like this:
class bar {
public function bar () {
global $foo;
echo $foo->something();
public function barMethod () {
global $foo;
echo $foo->somethingElse();
/* etc */
I don't want to extend it, either. I tried using the var keyword, but it didn't seem to work. What do I do in order to access the other class "foo" inside all methods of bar?
The short answer: nope, there is no way to implement what you want.
Another short answer: you're working with classes in "wrong" way. Once you selected Object Oriented paradigm - forget about "global" keyword.
The proper way of doing what you want is to create an instance of
as member ofbar
and use it's methods. This is calleddelegation
.An option is to autoload your classes. Also, if you make your class a static class, you can call it without
$classname = new classname()
:If you convert your class (foo) into a static class
Make it a member of bar. Try to never use globals.
You could do like this too:
Later you could do:
And if your only focus is the methods themselves as opposed to the instance of another class, you can use
x extends y