I'm following this tutorial: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android/start#overview on how to add Google Maps to an app within the Android SDK.
The only problem I seem to be having is during this bit (I've done everything else with no errors):
Edit your application's AndroidManifest.xml file, and add the following declaration within the
<application> element. This embeds the version of Google Play services that the app was compiled with.
android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />
The error is:
No resources found that match the given name (at 'value' with value '@integer/
I've tried to follow this persons solution to the same problem: Google Play Services Library update and missing symbol @integer/google_play_services_version
but I'm still getting the same error. Any help please?
I did following steps to recover from this:
1) Import google play services as project into your android sdk. In my system it is found at C:\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702\sdk\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib
2) Your android application-> properties -> android
In the window
2.1) Click on Google APIs in project build target 2.2) Add google-play services in bottom frame and click on OK
Hope it gives clear instruction on what to do !!
I had the same problem in Android Studio It was just liske the other answers said, however, I was not able to find where to add the dependencies. Finally I found it under File->Project structure->Dependencies This menu will give you the option at add the dependency to the Google Play Services library.
From here
I faced this error because I referenced the original copy from SDK directory. Make sure that you first copy the library to android workspace and only reference it. In eclipse you can do it by checking "Copy projects into workspace" while importing the project.
I got the solution.
Step 3: In Library section Add Library...(google-play-services_lib)
see below buttes
Replace version code with appropriate code of library version will solve your issue, like this:
Can directly used as
in place of