I'm trying to make a div fade in/out that's within an each statement. The problem is that next item is called before the fade in/out is complete.
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id='one'>one</div>
<div id='two'>two</div>
<div id='three'>three</div>
$.each([ "one", "two", "three"], function() {
console.log( 'start - ' + this );
animate( this );
console.log( 'end - ' + this );
function animate( id )
box = '#' + id;
$(box).fadeOut( 500, function( )
console.log('showing - ' + id);
$(box).fadeIn( 500 );
console shows -
start - one
end - one
start - two
end - two
start - three
end - three
showing - one
showing - two
showing - three
I would want something like -
start - one
showing - one
end - one
start - two
showing - two
end - two
start - three
showing - three
end - three
So how can I wait for each 'each' to be completely finished before moving on to the next value?
How about this, animate by going through each items in the array within the function?
You can even loop back to the start if you want:
Your going to have to use callbacks - functions that get executed when the current function is finished. To do this with
you would do:myFunction would not be called until fadeOut was completed. AJAX calls with $.get also can have callback functions.
Here's an example that works, although I'm sure there's a better way:
and then in your document.ready you'd call:
Sounds like you are trying to "cycle" through a list of divs. Have you checked out the jQuery Cycle plugin?