I have a django app (from which I get some html as a client), and a base64-encoded PDF which needs to be displayed. I've tried multiple approaches, which work as expected in Chrome/Firefox.
I'm working with django, so there will be some templates and some JavaScript.
is a div
Embed DataURL
<embed width=100% height=100% type="application/pdf" src="data:application/pdf;base64, {{ pdf }}"></embed>
Unacceptable solution, because it may require inlining megs of data. Works in IE11 under Windows 7, doesn't work on Edge and IE11 under Windows 10.
Embed Blob
var blob = new Blob( [Base64Binary.decode(pdf)], {'type': 'application/pdf'} );
pdfURL = URL.createObjectURL( blob );
'<embed width=100% height=100% type="application/pdf" src="'+pdfURL+'"></embed>'
Also does not work in Edge and IE11.
<iframe> Blob
'<iframe src="'+pdfURL+'" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>'
Edge claims it can't open pdf, and IE11 doesn't show anything.
Actually using pdf.js to display the pdf
Now here something happens: I found out the blob url origin is null
, instead of the application for Edge and IE11, causing pdf.js to refuse opening it. Server CORS is configured to allow all origins. I am a bit lost.
A cross-browser workaround to have an iframe of PDF.js load a blob of a PDF via the iframe URI.
An example of a standard usage case blob URI:
File viewer.js:
within function webViewerOpenFileViaURL:
change line from:
And to further stop the viewer from breaking when the "origin" is behaving in an IE 11/Edge manner:
within function validateFileURL:
change line from:
Now FF, Chrome, IE 11, and Edge all display the PDF in a viewer in the iframe passed via standard blob URI in the URL.