So here's what I'm trying to do. I have a hardware token with some certs on it and I'm writing a Java application to try and access those certs. I have used the SunPKCS11 library in jre6 for a windows 32 bit machine. This is a small sample of how I access the certs:
String configName = "pkcs.cnf"
String PIN = "123456";
Provider p = new;
KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS11");
char[] pin = PIN.toCharArray();
keyStore.load(null, pin);
It works great, I'm able to get the certs and everything. Now I'm trying to do the same on a 64 bit machine. However I am trying to use the 64 bit jre6 library and that is missing the SunPKCS11 jar file (located in {java.home}/lib/ext
. Because of that I cannot create a SunPKCS11 object. My question to you is, what do I do now? How can I access the certs on a token using 64 bit java libraries? Has someone written a 64 bit wrapper for such a task?
Assuming your {java.home} points to jre6, sunpkcs11.jar is in the {java.home}/lib/ext; If your {java.home} points to jdk1.6, sunpkcs11.jar is in the {java.home}/jre/lib/ext; I've tested it against the newly installed jdk and jre. Please verify your installation.
EDITED (summarising the comments)
In java 64-bit version pkcs11 is not available.
PKCS11 Support was not implemented because there was no way to test that library (somehow, whatever).
This has changed in Java 8, though. Since J8b49 a 64 bit Version is included. See: