When I click the AddThis Pinterest button, the box opens mid-screen, offereing a variety of images from my page. Cool. However, among those offered are grainy, enlarged portions of nav buttons, banner ads, and other images that are relevant. On the same, page the Favorites Bar PinIt button (from Pinterest itself) does it "correctly", meaning it only offeres meaningful images; no nav buttons included.
How can I exclude selected images from the AddThis Pinterest widget box?
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
The actual way to force an image is the "media" option, not the "url" option:
AddThis Pinterest has support for "at_include" and "at_exclude" classes for images.
Full post here: http://support.addthis.com/customer/portal/articles/1300322-pinterest-image-sharing#.UuAnmrvTm2x
If you want to specify a single image for Pinterest to use, you must specify the path to that image as the value of the