We use the tomcat urlrewrite plugin to rewrite outbound URLs as well as inbound ones. To do this, you need to use the JSTL tag.
This works great for clean urls and i18n, however it yields ugly code, including tags-within-tags, like this:
<link href='<c:url value="/content/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" />' rel="stylesheet" />
<a href='<c:url value="/nextPage.jsp"/>' />Next Page</a>
One alternative is to use a variable, like this:
<c:url value="/nextPage.jsp" var="nextPageUrl"/>
<a href='${nextPageUrl}' />Next Page</a>
This is really clean, but verbose.
Is there an expression-language friendly way to do this?
I was sort of hoping for something like:
<a href='${url "/nextPage.jsp}' />Next Page</a>
The solution I finally came up with was to use custom tags to solve the problem for CSS and JS. A similar solution could be applied to tags too of course, although I haven't had the need yet.
The CSS tag looks like this, the Javascript one is obviously very similar:
Don't forget to import the tags in your jsp:
The custom EL solution would be cleaner is some circumstances, but if you want to add support for additional parameters or attributes, a tag is probably the way to go.
Where are several approaches.
1) Bind base to variable in common fragment:
:or like:
and include fragment in each page:
2) Use
everywhere:3) is my favorite: add filter that include base for attribute:
and register that filter in
:and use clean syntax (like above but without need to include boilerplate fragments):
NOTE I set additional attributes in that filter, for example to switch between development and minified version of CSS/JS:
and corresponding JSP code:
Initial parameter
may set todev
in externally to WAR file in contex deployment descriptor with fall-back to minified version when not set.4) Use a scriplets:
There is nothing out of the box, but nothing prevents you to write your own EL functions, and thus use something like that:
I don't feel that it's more readable than the standard c:url tag, and it would be even worse if it has to accept parameter names and values, though.
See http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/1.4/tutorial/doc/JSPIntro7.html for how to define and use EL functions.