I am currently developing a slide menu directive for AngularJS. The javascript consists of three types of directives: the directives for each type of sliding menu (for brevity's sake I only included the left sliding menu), one wrapper directive for the rest of the screen, asmWrapper, and one control button directive, asmControl. Currently, all of these directives are using a service, asmService to communicate.
When the user clicks an asmControl, that directive's controller calls a method on asmService that determines which menu has been triggered and emits an 'asmEvent' on the $rootScope. asmSlidingMenu's controller will catch that event and update the active variable in its scope, but the DOM element's CSS class remains unchanged.
I assume the ng-class is not being set. How do I fix this?
I have included the code for the asmSlidingMenu directive below. To see a more complete example, view the Plunker I made.
slideMenu.directive('asmSlideLeft', ['$rootScope', 'asmService',
function($rootScope, asmService) {
return {
restrict: 'AEC'
, scope: {}
, controller: function($scope) {
$rootScope.$on('asmEvent', function(event, prop) {
console.log('Intercepted: ' + asmService.asmStates.slideLeft.active);
$scope.active = asmService.asmStates.slideLeft.active;
, compile: function(element, attrs) {
attrs.$set('class', 'asm asm-horizontal asm-left');
attrs.$set('data-ng-class', '{"asm-left-open: active"}');
return {
pre: function preLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs) {}
, post: function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs) {}
First of all
is in an isolate scope, song-class
has no access to it.Secondly, and more importantly,
is added after the directives of the element have been collected by angular. It's too late.There's no reason to use
if you have your own directive.