I'm using Spyder 2.2.5 with Python 2.7 and I want the editor to display the arguments of the function I'm calling after I type the first parenthesis. I know it's possible, because I can see it in the video-tutorials I'm using. I've tried (at least I think so..) all menu-items. Getting crazy here, please help!
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Go to View > Window layouts > Spyder Default Layout. This resets the Spyder IDE to the defaults, and the object inspector will function again (worked for me).
often would need to restart Spyder to have the inline help
You can activate the object inspector to display the documention of the function itself by enabling automatic connections for your editor or console. It will then show you the function parameters as you press the left parenthesis.
To enable it go to Tools > Preferences > Object Inspector . Under Help-> Automatic connections check your desired programming environment and enable plug-in.
For Spyder 3:
Tools > Preferences > Help > Automatic Connections and then tick all the workspaces you want it to show functions' arguments.
I have a similar problem. The arguments pop-up shows up only until I start typing, so I have a problem if I forget what the latter arguments are. A workaround is to move the cursor on the function and press
. It shows the function documentation in help window, including its definition.